Binomial’s innovation programme helps companies identify ways to innovate their business and stay ahead of competitors, disruptors, and macro-level trends. 


Some of the innovation challenges we have helped clients tackle:
1. Can we leverage our current competencies to enter new sectors?
2. Can we create more revenue or revenue streams by innovating our business model?
3. How do we avoid the Innovator’s Dilemma and find business drivers for our future?
4. Our staff work hard but don’t stop to think; how do we create a culture of innovation?
5. How do we create new products that will keep us ahead of the competition?

Insights: What does innovation really mean

Hint: it’s not about inventing new things or ways that the world hasn’t seen before. For us, innovation is about finding and implementing ideas that help the organisation move forward, whether as a small incremental improvement or a big revolutionary jump forward. Read more…

Our innovation offer

Whether you’re looking for step-wise improvements or to transform your organisation to be disruption-ready, Binomial helps purpose-driven companies achieve sustainable long-term growth by helping them innovate their products, services, and customer experiences.

innovation diagnostics

With our proprietary innovation framework, Binomial’s Innovation FrameworkTM, we conduct a 360o screening of your business, as well as customer needs, market competition, and disruptions. We then use the diagnosis to pinpoint the right areas your business should focus on and recommend opportunities that can bring sustainable, long-term benefits to your products, services, and customer experience.

ampersand accelerator

Whether you are a mid-to-large enterprise or a startup, we can customise an innovation effort that is right for your business. Ampersand is an end-to-end innovation programme that leads your organisation through the innovation journey from idea generation to prototyping to roadmap and execution. Ampersand is flexible and can be adapted to suit different innovation needs:
1. Ampersand FutureLab is for larger corporates that want to innovate their products, services, or customer experience
2. Ampersand Accelerator is for startups and SMEs that want to scale their business by strengthening and innovating their business fundamentals

design thinking workshps

We know how it can be challenging when the management team seems to be the only ones who care. Through our experience, we know the key is a simple and inclusive process that makes it easier for the rest of the organisation to engage. That’s why we use the Double Diamond design thinking methodology to help anyone in the organisation chip in.

Take action now to drive your company's innovation efforts

If you struggle with staying ahead of competitors or shifting customer preferences, and want to stay ahead of the curve, Binomial’s innovation programme will help you find new ways to grow revenue, identify growth areas, and get your people constantly thinking ahead.

Get in touch below to discuss how we might help you.

We don’t stop here. To help companies be truly innovation-centric and impact-aligned, innovation itself is only part of the journey. You need a business strategy to implement innovation and a powerful brand to tell the world about your great innovation. Binomial can help. Check out our strategy and branding offer to learn how we can elevate your business.

Grow your business with us
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